W6 - Mar 31

Dear, parents.

After tomorrow students will have two worksheets to review for next week's weekly test. 

Also, students should bring home their written exam papers today. I am happy with most of the results, although the reading comprehension can be improved a lot. I believe next time will be even better. Especially, if the video reading of the stories helps students remember key points that may be on the exams. πŸ™πŸ€


W6 - Mar 29

Dear, parents.

Below is the communication book slip for week 6.

Students should focus on studying for the midterm exams. They once again reviewed the practice exam with me. Good luck to them all tomorrow. 


W5 - Mar 26

Dear, parents. 

Today students did the oral test twice. This was because many students got low scores in the oral test. 

Students should bring their oral exam paper home. It will show their first score and their second score. The highest score achieved has been put into the school scoresheet. 

You can find the results for the listening and oral below. 


W5 - Mar 25

Dear, parents.

Tomorrow is the oral exam. Please find some examples answers below. Although, students did have a review worksheet that they should have completed and took home. I think they will do great, as long as they use full sentences. πŸ™πŸ€

FYI The school is putting together the content for the Xinmin Horizon magazine. I've started to train students more in creative writing. Today they had a review of the space content we have covered, and then wrote about astronauts in space. 
P.s We were also lucky enough to see Live footage of the astronauts on the International Space Station working outside. 


W5 - Mar 24

Dear, parents.

Tomorrow students will lose 2 periods with me for a math test. They should definitely focus on reviewing for the oral test that is on Friday. Most importantly, they should make sure to answer in full sentences. 

The listening test went well. You can see the results below. 

FYI I will do my best to check students textbooks. However, we do the work on the digital board and they can literally copy the answers from the board. I think it is okay for me to just stamp the pages as we do them.

Thanks to those students that seem to really enjoy and learn from my class. They are truly an inspiration to me. πŸ™πŸ€


W5 - Mar 23

Dear, parents. 

I have managed to transfer all my VW slides to the quizlet format. I hope they can be helpful to students, especially with the exams coming up. I suggest using the listening game feature, as their test is on tomorrow. πŸ™πŸ€

Studying G2 I2 - Week 3 - Henry and Mudge and the Starry Night on Quizlet: https://quizlet.com/tw/580983059/g2-i2-week-3-henry-and-mudge-and-the-starry-night-flash-cards/?x=1jqU&i=3jcdjj

FYI School told me about the school magazine. It is my hope that we will have time to do some creative writing about space. Perhaps some students from my class will be selected to have their writing/drawing published. 


W5 - Mar 22

Dear, parents.

This week is review week. Students should focus on reviewing previous week's worksheets, vocabulary words, and the two stories covered over the last 4 weeks. 

Below are the scores for the weekly test for this week. 
Students really enjoyed discussing a CGI video called Float. It's a beautiful story that I'm sure the students would love to share with you all. 


W4 - Mar 19

Dear, parents. 

Next week is review week, but students still have the weekly test to review for. Please find a copy of their test below. 
Also, today students had the chance to practice the oral test with me. They also wrote down some example answers. As long as the answer makes sense and is a full sentence, they should do great. 
FYI quizlet is a great way to study. Also, the students seem to enjoy the matching and testing methods on the app. I definitely think the use of Quizlet is very useful to all. 

Thank you to all the students that show me such positive attitudes, learning, and enthusiasm. πŸ€πŸ™

P.s The last period I let them experience my G1 experience class. They learned about friendship bracelets and also tried to tie a slide knot to make their own. Actually, many students don't know how to tie a knot. It's a very valuable skill to learn. That being said, I think they seemed to enjoy it. 😊



W4 - Mar 18

Dear, parents.

Please find the second worksheet for this week below. 
Also, I wanted to give students a chance to go over the mock exam paper with me, rather than take it home as extra homework. Next week is the review week for the first exam. 
FYI I still feel very overwhelmed with the I2 class. I hope I can arrange some support from the school and other teachers. πŸ™πŸ€


W4 - Mar 17

Dear, parents. There seemed to be some attitude from a few students during my class. After we finished working on the Readers Writers book and the first worksheet of this week, some students seemed to have a problem with me using a video to teach about nature, exploring, and, camping. 

I will never be a teacher that just lectures from a textbook. It is not a good way for students to learn, and in general they will usually just copy the answers from the board, instead of using their intelligence. Please encourage students to pay attention and participate in all parts of my class. There is always a plan to why I am using a video. In this case, it was to open their minds and to listen, think, and speak about exploring, nature, camping, and hiking. Please support me, and encourage your children to trust in my teachings. 

The video I used to get them thinking about the topic and answering questions about it is below. Two students were very vocal that the video was crazy. An imaginative story about a boy putting his video game down and exploring nature is not crazy. πŸ€πŸ™

The worksheet for today is below. 
Also, I have started preparing students for the oral test that is next week. I will provide parents the example questions and picture so you can practice at home with them. 


W4 - Mar 16

Dear, parents.

It seems there are no issues with posting student's scores in the format I shared on Line. So, here are the weekly test scores for the last 3 weeks.

Don't forget, these weekly tests are to show me how students are doing and who needs extra attention/help. It is my hope that the weekly tests will level out, with most students averaging +80%. 
Also, these weekly tests help prepare them for the monthly exam which is more important, especially to the school. 

P.s I understand every student is different and this group has low English and some have other difficulties. I personally will be happy as long as students show some improvement each time they have my weekly test. Classroom behaviour should be a priority, then the focus and enthusiasm for English learning with improve a lot. πŸ€πŸ™


W4 - Mar 15

Dear, parents.

Please find the new communication page, plus the scope (details) of the first exam, and the link to this weeks VW on Quizlet.

The weekly test seemed to go very well for most students. If your child is getting less than 10/23 please tell them to focus more in class. Especially, when we do the 2 review worksheets. 
FYI it's okay to put their hands up and ask questions if they are struggling. However, I cannot give them the answers, that would be cheating. Can parents please make sure students understand. 

P.s The behaviour of the class seemed better this morning. Although, it still takes them a while to settle after they have been for breaktime. Let's keep going. πŸ™πŸ€


W3 - Mar 13

Dear, parents. 

Thank you to those parents that came this morning. It was lovely to meet you all.

I think the first thing to go over is the importance of students behavior and classroom management. If all students are aware of how they should behave towards other students and during class time, then things will improve a lot. 

The second thing is about the Quizlet.com weekly VW word lists that I will make. I will post the link to you all starting from Week 4.
I will also include the links to any relevant videos I used to teach the content for the week. Parents can use the videos to ask questions about what they learned during classtime and reinforce what they should have absorbed during the lessons.

Below are the links to two videos used to teach about camping and wolves. 

Please encourage students to keep improving, especially with their classroom behaviour and attitude to learning.  πŸ™πŸ€


W3 - Mar 11

Dear, parents. 

If you have any opinions you can voice them to me on Line. I will do my best to take your opinions on board, especially if I think it will help my class. That being said, I am doing my best with the G2 I2 class. They have very low English level and more importantly, many students with issues that stop the learning of themselves and others. I am being proactive to try start fresh with them, and teach them class discipline, respect for others, and to enjoy learning.
I often teach out of the book, however the topic and goal is always relevant. To get them to learn and use English in the context that I am providing. For example, today most of the class had trouble to read and understand the story about wolves. Therefore, I used 2 videos about wolves to get them thinking about the topic, learning the vocabulary for that topic, and hopefully retaining that information. 

FYI tomorrow they have a worksheet to do with Henry and Mudge. They will need color pencils to decipher the color key and complete the worksheet. 🎨

I look forward to seeing you all at the Parent's day. πŸ™πŸ€


W3 - Mar 10

Dear, parents.

Students have two review worksheets for this week. I don't believe they need a 3rd, however, I will go over next week's test on the board. Perhaps it will boost the score averages a little. 
FYI, please encourage students attitude to learning. Students will only learn if they are willing to listen, focus, and open their minds. 


W3 - Mar 8

Dear, parents. 

I believe the weekly test went very well. Although, scores were lower than last week. That's because students didn't have a practice test. I believe the scores I see are the true value of who is learning well, who needs extra help, and who isn't focusing on my class. Only 1 student scored 100, with the majority of my other students getting +70%
I feel confident that students will improve in the next week's test. πŸ™πŸ€

Below you can find the communication slip. Students can choose to glue it into week or copy it in. If students copy it in, they can come see me and gain 2 stamps. 


W2 - Mar 5

Dear, parents. 

Below is the final worksheet for this week. I believe I will typically make 2-3 worksheets a week. Students will always be asked to take then home and use to review for their test on Mondays. This time there was no mocktest (practice) I believe the test will be more valid for me. Showing me clearly who is learning from my class, and who's studying. Then I should be able to mold my English class even more towards their English level. 

FYI I use a loyalty card to encourage students learning. Students collect stamps and when they finish a row of 6 they come to get a sticker and cookie or Hichew. A student told me today that another student saw I was using a penguin stamp and that student had one at home. Sadly, the student brought it to school and stamped a students card full. Although I would notice such obvious cheating, I wouldn't notice adding the odd few stamps. Thankfully, a student was very honest and told me what happened. 

Please explain to students about honesty and not to cheat or lie. Also, if anyone has such a stamp, please don't let them bring it to school. It's a good lesson to learn, but I also don't want to waste money changing my stamp because someone is cheating. πŸ™
Thanks for those students that really try their best. πŸ™πŸ€


W2 - Mar 4

Dear, parents.

I have issued students with a copy of my weekly communication book details. I need to do this due to a lot of issues with students and their communication books, E.g. bringing the book, handing it in, and writing in it. I don't want to waste precious teaching time. This is a positive approach which is needed when students seem hard to focus, especially in a double period. Focusing my class time on teaching English, classroom management, and enjoying my class is the priority for me. 
All students were given this copy. They have the choice to stick it inside the book, or they can write the details in. If students write the details in, they can come see me for an extra reward. I hope this will encourage the whole class to improve and not be lazy. 

Below is the worksheet covered today. Please remember students should keep these worksheets at home to study for the test on Monday. 

P.s Thank you to those parents/students for bringing a folder to put their worksheets inside. πŸ€πŸ™


W2 - Mar 3

Dear, parents.

It is clear to me that there are still issues with students bringing English books to my class, some don't even bring a pencil. Also, a few students regularly don't hand in communication books and bubblebook VW homework. I will try to think of a solution to the communication book and bubblebook issue. However, please refer to this blog, especially on the Monday. I will post the full week communication book page there.

I feel I need to do 2 things to try help students to still learn and enjoy English. The first thing I will do is create worksheets for my class. After the positive response in my class last Friday, I think this is a good thing. Also, the worksheets can double as test review material. The second thing I need to do is really lower the English level during my classtime to accommodate everyone.

Please find the worksheet from today below. 
Students need to be responsible for their own worksheets. They should take home and keep them to review for tests. 
I suggest using a 20 slot folder like the one below. Allowing students to choose their own folder will help to make sure they keep worksheets same and learn to be responsible for school learning materials. It's a simple start that will hopefully grow their abilities.

P.s Those students that can bring all their books and do everything I ask and more, thank you. Please continue to show me how great they can be. πŸ™πŸ€


W2 - Mar 2

Dear, parents. 

Please find the communication book copy below. I edited it and tried to make it easier to understand. I'm not sure why I was given a file that didn't look exactly like the communication book. Anyway, I edited it so students will not be confused anymore. 

As for homework, students should always  read the story in their own time during the week. Students will copy VW words everyday, and read a weekly conversations each day. On the Thursday and Friday students should review for the test. This may mean having a mocktest to review, although I am happy with the results from my first weekly test. Therefore, I will not provide a mocktest for this coming weekly test. 



Copyright © 2013 Dean Cook English - G2