W3 - Mar 13
Dear, parents.
Thank you to those parents that came this morning. It was lovely to meet you all.
I think the first thing to go over is the importance of students behavior and classroom management. If all students are aware of how they should behave towards other students and during class time, then things will improve a lot.
The second thing is about the Quizlet.com weekly VW word lists that I will make. I will post the link to you all starting from Week 4.
I will also include the links to any relevant videos I used to teach the content for the week. Parents can use the videos to ask questions about what they learned during classtime and reinforce what they should have absorbed during the lessons.
Below are the links to two videos used to teach about camping and wolves.
Please encourage students to keep improving, especially with their classroom behaviour and attitude to learning. 🙏🤍